Sunday, January 1, 2012

How did I do?

Well, It is January 1st again, one year on since I started this blog. My big resolution for this year was to blog more and I majorly whimped out on the entire thing. I was going to start and maintain an art blog, resume my food blog, and review a beer every week for this entire year on this blog.

Unfortunately none of this really materialised. The art blog stagnated, the food blog hasn't been touched since Dec. 2009, and while I did review some beers this year, I did them all long hand and so they were mostly back-posted and so this blog, for all intensive purposes, also kind sucked.

That said, before I get any more self-depreciating, let's see how I matched up with my goals:

Over the course of 2011: 25 beer reviews were posted (but some still need to be transcribed)
in addition: I drank at least 37 other beers
total: I drank 62 different varieties of beer (give or take 5, I think)

So yeah, I didn't make it, but I think as someone who has never tried one of these do "X" number of things in one year things, I did pretty decently. I got about halfway to my goal, something that, given my blogging track record is not something to scoff at.

But what does this mean for next year, you say?

Well, I guess I am just going to have to try harder. A beer a week is pretty ambitious I think, so maybe one every other week, (for a total of 26 over the year) is more realistic, so that is what I will aim for in 2012. Especially given the fact that I will probably be moving in the next few months 2012 will be a big year for me, but if there is one thing I've learned from this past year is that if shit gets rough, you can always crack a beer and relax.

Anyway, looks like I get another 365 more days ahead of and 26 reviews to crank out. Here's looking at you, 2012, or as the Dutch say:


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