Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bourbon Barrel Stout

At my university, there is one bar on campus. Even though, the can only sell beer, they have a pretty awesome selection (about 30-40 different bottles) and that is where this week's selection comes from.

It is a Bourbon Barrel Stout from the Clay Street Series by Bluegrass Brewery Company. Try as I might though, I cannot find anything about this beer on the internet, besides the fact it was aged in a barrel formerly used in the bourbon manufacturing process—something immediately evident upon opening the bottle.

Year: 2010
ABV: 8.6%
From: 12oz bottle (chilled), and poured into plastic cup

FOAM: brown chocolately colour (very big foam) *pour very slowly it still foams
COLOUR: very dark brown, almost black

SMELL: very roasted, charred wood

(initial) roasted taste, leads into a hoppiness
(body) medium body, hints of coffee, charred taste of the barrel
(aftertaste) very hoppy, hint of bourbon, slightly sour